Weber Recipe BBQ Demo - BBQ Roast Lamb and Vegetables
BBQ Roast Lamb and Vegetables
The classic Sunday roast is so easy to do on your barbecue and tastes a lot better than in your normal oven. But most importantly its a lot more fun to do on your Weber BBQ!
Here we cooked a shoulder of Lamb and vegetables on a Weber One Touch Original 57cm BBQ.
Follow the photos and we hope you enjoy. For all your Weber barbecue needs come to BBQs 2u - The Family business passionate about Weber barbecues.
Shoulder of Lamb or any other large cut of Lamb
Olive oil
Fresh Rosemary
Salt & Pepper
Weber Accessories Used
Weber Cooking Grate 57cm Hinged
Weber Charcoal Briquette Holders
Weber Mesquite Woodchips
Weber Firelighters
Weber Long Lasting Briquettes
Weber Chimney Starter -
Weber Vegetable Basket
Weber Thermometer Probe
Follow the photos and descriptions below of how to cook the Lamb on your Weber charcoal barbecue. The Weber barbecue and all the wonderful accesories make it easy and so much fun to a cook a sunday dinner roast on the bbq.
Add a couple of Weber Firelighters to your charcoal grate.
Fill the Weber Chimney Starter to the top level with Weber Long Lasting Briquettes.
Place the Weber Chimney Starter over the lit firelighters.
After 15 minutes or so your briquettes will begin glowing. While your waiting you could toast a few marshmallows or a pepper over the heat!
Once the briquettes have a nice grey coating carefully pour them into the Weber Charcoal Briquette Holders.
Briquettes stored nicely in the holders. They make it very easy to move groups of briquettes around the barbecue for different cooking methods. e.g. Indirect or direct cooking.
Put the lid on and get some heat into the Weber One Touch Original 57cm BBQ
Here we have a nice shoulder of lamb some Rosemary and pre chopped garlic.
Rub the Lamb in a good amount of olive oil all over and grind some salt and pepper all over it to season. Finally rub the garlic into the seasoning and ensure its fully covered in the rub.
Here is an example of how to setup the barbecue for Indirect cooking which is also called the Roasting setup. This is ideal for large joints of meat that need a longer cooking time.
Here is an example of the Direct cooking method on the Weber One Touch Original 57cm. This is ideal for cooking small pieces of meat like burgers, chicken strips, kebabs etc. As the food is directly above the heat source.
The Weber Hinged Cooking Grate is now on along with the Lamb. You can see we are using the Direct cooking method to start with, this is to quickly sear the outside of the lamb. 5-8mins either side should do it.
We added some Weber Mesquite Wood Chips to the briquettes, these inject a fantastic smokey flavour into the meat. Soak these in water for at least 30mins beforehand, add to the briquettes just before adding the meat. REMEMBER TO KEEP THAT LID ON!!
The lamb is coming along nicely. You can see we've now moved it to the Indirect method to roast the large piece of meat slowly. Keeping all the lovely juices and flavours in. The Weber Large Drip Pans fit perfectly between the holders on a Weber 57cm BBQ
This is whats so good about the Weber Hinged Cooking Grates. All you have to do is lift open the side hinge, pop some more briquettes in or in this case some more wood chips. Close the side grate and carry on cooking with the lid down. This means there is no need to remove the cooking grate along with all the food just to add more fuel. Highly recommended.
Simply pop some more wood chips on...
Close the hinged grate back over...
Carry on cooking!
We forgot to add the fresh Rosemary in our excitement to get barbecuing! So here it is.
We added some of the fresh Rosemary to the briquettes to smoke into the lamb.
Cuts made into the lamb and fresh Rosemary pushed in.
Quick check on the Weber Thermometer, we are looking for around 70 degrees c before is done.
We parboiled some carrots, parsnips and onions and added them to the juices caught in the drip pan.
The lamb is done now so we pushed the Weber Charcoal holders together to directly cook the vegetables. Finishing them off nicely.
The briquettes were still going after a good 2hours. These can be reused, just close all the vents and pop the lid back on to smother them out. Leave until the next bbq and tip into the chimney starter!
The finished Sunday dinner cooked on the the Weber barbecue. The Lamb was so moist and had a wonderfully smokey flavour all the way through the meat. Totally delicious, get out there and use your barbecue, it doesnt have to be sunny!
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